Kimitsu Tribal Tokenized Asset

Native American blockchain investment firm releases first Native American cannabis asset on waves platform, and sets the stage for creation of a multi million dollar Native American tokenised equity market. The asset “TCTA1” on the waves DEX exchange is the first of it’s kind as far as Native American tribal assets go as it’s primary purpose is to raise capital that will be used to help develop the Native American tribal cannabis industry nationwide.
It’s estimated that the Native American cannabis industry will be around $3.5 Billion a year by 2021 and would be key to helping alleviate the poverty situation on many Native American tribal communities across the country.
TTA’s not your average ICO…
Native American tokenised assets known as TTA’s (tribal tokenised asset) hold a unique position in the crypro sphere and are different then most ICO’s as SEC has no jurisdiction over native american financial markets or assets dues to tribes sovereign immunity status which allows for some tremendous opportunities for crypto investors and interested parties.

A limited number of tokens are being made available to non native, non tribal member parties on the waves DEX platform with another larger allocation being reserved for institutional investors, industry investors and tribal govt fund investors with the remaining allocation being set aside for tribal member and native american parties.

More information can be found on the website and the asset can be located on the waves DEX exchange under the asset TCTA1 ID: 9Ub6rxZePVwbw4oQMMsFVShnUz6A9MFzz4yWxg572Xj7