Buy Bitcoin in 2018… Buy…

When I was younger, I had the opportunity to start early in the computer world, back in 1997. It was at this time that I started to know companies like IBM, Oracle, among others … a little while ago, the name Microsoft began to ” hammering the head of many people “… and I wanted to buy shares of this company, but I did not know how …

Has this ever happened to you? Wished you had bought something in the past, and that good, product, or asset has increased significantly in value? Yes … but opportunities can come back …

In January 2017, Bitcoin reached $ 1000 and the world became aware. Five months later, Bitcoin doubled its value to $ 2000, and the media began to fill stories of self-made millionaires who made their money by investing small amounts in Bitcoin. Two more months later, Bitcoin shocked the world, tripling its value to $ 6000, only to increase, a few months later, to the value of $ 20,000.
At the time of writing these lines, Bitcoin resumed the range of US $ 14,000, in what we call “market correction”, where there is a drop preparing to resume growth.

In part, it’s a simple math: the jump from $ 1,000 to $ 2,000 is much more pronounced in percentage terms than from $ 13,000 to $ 14,000. Still, as Bitcoin surpasses each new historical value, it attracts more attention, and with more attention comes more demand, and so its value continues to rise.

Billionaires such as Payers founder Wences Caseres confidently say that Bitcoin could reach $ 1,000,000 in the next few years, while software giant John McAfee publicly predicts that Bitcoin prices will reach up to $ 500,000 in 2020, which would require an increase of 800% per year. As 2017 has exceeded all forecasts for Bitcoin’s value, its forecast for 2018 and the coming years may even be met.


Billionaire entrepreneur Wences Casares says it is not too late for people interested in Bitcoin.

The main idea behind Bitcoin and why it makes so much sense is very simple. Normal currencies are controlled by governments, which are able to print money when they need it. By doing so, they can make the value of their own currency fall overnight, for example when they need to pay off a debt. Bitcoin is resolving this issue by completely eliminating government control of this equation – which means there is no central bank or government that can print Bitcoin. In addition, Bitcoin was created with a mathematical limitation on the number of Bitcoins that can be created and thus creates an economy where no government can intervene. With limited supply and ever-increasing demand, the more people who buy Bitcoin, the more their value will increase.

How to invest wisely in Bitcoin?

Wences Casares was called the “zero patient” of Bitcoin by the Silicon Valley elite. He introduced Reid Hoffman and countless other luminaries to Bitcoin at gatherings of the rich and famous as Sun Valley.

The formula, according to Casares? Take 1% or less of what you own, and use that amount to invest in Bitcoin. You lose one percent of your net worth, which most people can take, or your investment can parallel the expected increase in Bitcoin and generate returns of up to 15,000% or more and, judging by the increase in recent months, knows where Bitcoin will arrive from now.

Casares has an interesting answer for those people who believe they have already “lost” the Bitcoin train and are afraid of joining too late. He said that even those who bought Bitcoin at high prices only a month ago did “spectacularly well”.
Casares, of Argentine origin, founded an Internet service provider, a video game company and a bank, in addition to sitting in the PayPal framework, but it is to Bitcoin that Casares says he is dedicating the rest of his life. He now runs a Startup called Xapo that stores Bitcoin. At a dinner hosted by the encryption group “Coin Center” in New York, Casares gave the keynote address, including some advice on how investors can enter Bitcoin.

Experts predict that a single Bitcoin will be worth $ 500,000 in the year 2030.

With Bitcoin doubling monthly, and global financial investors, such as Richard Branson and other big billionaires known, expect massive increases over the next ten years, it is no wonder that Bitcoin is becoming one of the most popular investments of all. times.
Until recently, people who wanted to invest a small amount in Bitcoin found themselves dealing with complicated “wallets” that took hours to set up, alphanumeric codes sent to their emails or complicated mining software installations.

Fortunately, there are easier, safer, and totally regulated ways to invest in Bitcoin.

How to make?

Step 1 – Create an account on (click here and go to the site)

Step 2 – Create a digital currency wallet where you can safely store the digital currency

Step 3 – Connect your bank account, debit card or credit card so that you can exchange digital currency on and off the website through your local currency.

Step 4 – Buy some Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin to start using the future of money.

Source:  adapted from Cryptomarkets

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