WavesTelegraph.com: News about Waves and Tokens created in Waves protocol

We are launching WavesTelgraph.com. Our initiative has to do with the need to generate specialized information in Waves, bringing information in Portuguese, English and Spanish to all enthusiasts of this virtual currency.

We want the companies that develop their products based on Waves to participate in this project, through the dissemination of their Tokens, Ico’s and projects. The idea is to create a diffusion environment for each token of each project developed with Waves.

Of course we are in the early stages, and much still needs to be done on the site. We will be improving things gradually. The important thing is to start, and that’s what we did today.

For this, we are making WavesTelegraph.com available to anyone who has created their currency through the Waves protocol and who wants to make information available about their product.

Disclosure of your token will be considered for publication as soon as possible.

How to publish?

The name used for this type of publication is InfoPublicity. For more information about how to publish on our site, contact us at [email protected] and we will respond as soon as possible.

As we are also enthusiasts of the Waves protocol, we use our own currency for the acquisition of advertising space, which is WTEX, specially created (but not only) for this. It is already available for purchase on DEX.

WTEX – http://dev.pywaves.org/assets/4o2pWEH8rhJ8Xy3nouP899v5HvcRBDdtH2d9UCNqTser